Read our Blood Clot Claim case

Mrs G recovered £80,000

Our client Mrs G went to hospital to be assessed for the risk of VTE (venous thromboembolism) and her immobility was assessed as a risk factor.  Anticoagulant treatment was not commenced immediately as she may have suffered a haemorrhagic stroke.

The presence of a stroke was excluded by a CT scan on 25th August 2011.  The Nice Clinical Guidance 92 indicates that Mrs G should have been reassessed for the risk of VTE within 24 hours of admission; this was not done.

If Mrs G had been reassessed within 24 hours of admission, she would have been deemed at risk of developing deep vein thrombosis.

We alleged the Hospital was negligent as follows:

  1. Failing to reassess the patient for the risk of VTE within 24 hours of admission
  2. Failing to commence low-dose low-molecular weight heparin once the risk of stroke had been excluded.

Had Mrs G received the correct thromboprophylaxis once the diagnosis of a stroke had been excluded, she would not have developed a DVT.

As a result of the failure to prevent a DVT, Mrs G suffered a pulmonary embolism.

Mrs G suffered a psychiatric injury, in addition to the physical injury of her DVT.  Additionally, Mrs G had been delayed in obtaining medical treatment for gallstones which has caused her additional pain and suffering.

We obtained medical evidence to consider the  client’s physical and psychiatric issues and settled her claim for £80,000.

Find out more about Attwaters Accidents’ Blood Clot Claim Experts here.

Attwaters Accidents is the Medical Negligence department of the trusted, long-established firm Attwaters Jameson Hill.